21 April 2010
I stepped foot on JB soil first time ever in 28 yrs of life. The euphoric feel of reaching a place I've never been bfore was there, but manage to keep it at bay. The tiring journey from Sandakan took us almost 12 hrs to reach Senai Airport (including the freaking 6hrs transit period in KK)
Nevertheless there were we (Pojie, Alex, Sam & I) at BlueWave Hotel (took us another hour to reach here...) cost us RM178/night...but worth it...spacious & magnificent view of sunrise at singapore from our room!
22-25 April 2010 - The congress days
Though daytime was packed with talks & food in between talks, we managed to see JB at night (well at least a one eighth of it perhaps.ahaks)And I created my own record of time spent in shopping mall...an unbelievable time for me! And some shopping spree as well...even ladies could have been surprised with our "achievement"hak3.
The Venue: The Zon Regency Hotel; adhered to hosts of "majestic mansions" of night clubs, pubs, discotheque. This vicinity is basically duty free zone & of course liquors & cigarettes are the topmost items on the list. Sort of heaven for hedonisme party-goers! I was further mesmerised to witness such "great developments" in my beloved nation...not that I've never seen bfore; but just that these mansions were just too WOW! (There is a school just 500m away, a surau 200m away & a church 700m away!) Where is our respect to these respected noble places? Sad to say...but "the mansions" have been given the icon status for JB. Name The Zon...and what strikes to your mind are these "mansions".
Generally the main course of these places is LIQUOR! What liquor-mother of all sins has to offer?
1. Waste of money
2. Addictions
3. Loss of conscience
3. Health hazards (when addiction kicks in)
It just took to my nerve if to imagine how many of our youths will be in these "mansions" every night with liquour indulgence and hedonisme partying as their interpretation of enjoyment :(
What took place inside The Zon Hotel was "eye-catching" as well. On 23 April, we had our Congress Dinner at the Ballroom (Level 6) But I depict what we saw at foyer of Level 4 in picture form - such an inappropriate view in a open space. (I don't bother if they had behind the doors) HOW MUCH OF FREEDOM ARE WE TRYING TO ATTAIN? Don't we have the conscience that this is NOT OUR CULTURE. If ever they want to enjoy such a thing, get within 4 walls & "enjoy the show"...
The trip served to be an "escape" for me, away from calls, OT & hopefully can appear rejuvenated (i repeat..hopefully.hehe). But nevertheless, had other experiences too.
Having to see sights of indecency booming is a lot to bear...and "scarry" to think about it. The authorities really have to control this blossom...though it already appears to be quite late. Having an outlet of night spot might be acceptable...but having "mansions" are ridiculuos & disastrous! And we do have our roles...not to forget that.
On my way back, slept over in KK & met Param; who's going off to UM soon.
Here are some photos of what i've been rumbling about...
The "mansions" - only showing part of it.
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