September 28, 2014

Tafsir Ad-Dhuha &Al-Insyiroh

Has been MONTHS since my last post... Gosh..I am lazy. So to motivate myself, I looked at the ultimate revelation..the Qur'an & wish to share some verses here

These translations were taken from 'Amazing" Qur'an Tafsir published by Karya Bistari. An Indonesian translation.

Ad-Dhuha (Chapter 93 : Verse 1 - 11)

1.   Demi waktu dhuha (tatkala matahari naik segalah)
2.   Dan demi malam apabila telah sunyi
3.   Tuhanmu tidak meninggalkan engkau (wahai Muhammad) dan tidak pula membencimu
4.   Sesungguhnya kesudahan itu lebih baik bagimu daripada permulaan
5.   Dan sesungguhnya Tuhanmu pasti memberi kurniaan-Nya padamu, sehingga engkau redha-berpuas hati
6.   Bukankah dia mendapatimu sebagai seorang yatim lalu Dia melindungimu
7.   Dan Dia mendapatimu seorang yang kebingungan, lalu Dia memberikan petunjuk
8.   Dan Dia mendapatimu sebagai seorang kekurangan, lalu Dia memberikan kecukupan
9.   Maka terhadap anak yatim,janganlah engkau berlaku sewenang-wenangnya.
10. Dan terhadap orang yang meminta-minta, janganlah kau mengherdiknya.
11. Dan terhadap ni'mat Tuhanmu hendaklah kau nyatakan (dengan bersyukur)

Al- Insyiroh (Chapter 94 : Verse 1 - 8) 

1. Bukankah kami telah melapangkan dadamu
2. Dan kami juga telah menurunkan bebanmu (Muhammad)
3. yang memberatkan belakangmu
4. Dan Kami tinggikan bagimu sebutan namamu
5. Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan
6. Sekali lagi ditegaskan, bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan
7. Maka apabila engkau telah selesai (sesuatu urusan), tetaplah bekerja keras (untuk urusan lain)
8. Dan hanya kepada Tuhanmu engkau berharap

These verses (especially those I've bold) really touches me. Allah has reminded us not to give hope when you feel helpless. For which Allah is always there for us. When you had no one to turn to, enough for you to turn to only Allah. Turn to Allah, get back to Allah!
This is really an anti-dote for depression. If only we put full faith in Allah, everything shall be fine in life. We shall be in a position where by when met with failures & casualties, we will persevere as we know Allah is there guiding & watching over us.
Another point for motivation, don't rest on our laurels when we feel we have done/achieved something (of course we can feel satisfied & happy with the achievement) but nevertheless must never stop. As Islam encourages us to propel forward in life; as if we are going to live in this world forever; BUT with humility & syukur to what Allah has bestowed upon us.

"No soul can save us from hardship; only Allah"

I've not gone into asbabun-nuzulof these verses (shall do so next time)

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